Three Digital Trends to Boost Brand Appeal to Gen Zs

For the past years, everyone is talking about how to capture millennial’s attention. The attitudes and preferences of the millennial population have significantly influenced modern marketing strategies, including text messaging, mobile applications, and social media. While this group is likely to become the biggest living generation, more businesses are now setting their sights on Generation Z’s new younger demographic.

Gen Zs share a few similarities to their millennial predecessors, specifically their love for technology. But if you dig a little deeper, you’ll find some subtle differences that brands should take note of.

Digital marketing has played an important role in helping businesses expand their market, specifically to the younger population. Indie art makers and boudoir photographers turn to digital marketing to showcase their skills and professionalism to the digital art community, largely comprised of young people.

It’s only a matter of years before Gen Z completely dominates the consumer market. For this reason, brands should understand the digital trends and the current pulse of the Gen Z population. In this article, we’ll take a look at the media and marketing trends that will capture the hearts of the Gen Z audience. Read below to know what makes them tick and what engages them.


Younger audiences today are expecting a more positive depiction of inclusivity and equality in the brands they follow and the content they’re engaging with. In other words, they’re fed up seeing homogeneous content that filled every advertisement in the last decades.

Today, digital marketing involves controversial subject matters and digital media that focus on a wide range of sexualities, religions, races, body shapes, including the proper representation of people with physical and learning disabilities. Gone are the days of brand neutrality on social issues. Gen Z expects brands to take a stand on pressing issues and topics. This should reflect on your products, services, images, videos, and other snackable content, as well as the topics discussed in blogs and social media.

This change in media consumption is a form of a cultural shift that may significantly affect the buying behavior of young consumers. Gen Zs are moving away from brands that don’t value the importance of diversity and identity, particularly the LGBT+ community and ethnic minorities.


Just like inclusivity, Gen Z is leading the pack towards environmentalism. They’re leaning towards brands that are passionate about sustainability and eco-friendly initiatives. They are only willing to transact with companies who are aware of their environmental impact.

In a 2018 survey by Nielsen, 81% of respondents strongly feel that companies must improve the environment. Companies are responding to this trend by producing sustainable products, while eco-friendly brands are witnessing a sudden increase in sales. In this case, every brand that sells green products can benefit from this by showcasing its lineup, company mission, and sustainable practices.

The key strategy lies in broadcasting sustainability through branding, content, and marketing to inform consumers that environmentalism is your business’s core identity. There are plenty of ways to showcase this while keeping the branding style in mind. These include the use of banners that contains your brand’s environmental mission or discussing topics about sustainability on social media. Another way is through subtle tactics, such as marketing reusable tote bags or incorporating green themes into the brand’s marketing identity.


While interactive content has been around for a while, users still recognize this as one of the best marketing strategies. Interactive content not only focuses on building engagement but also boosts enjoyment.

Interactive content range from surveys, quizzes, giveaways, polls, contests, open-ended questions to other practices that will grab people’s attention. Its main objective is to lengthen users’ period of engagement, which helps in improving your standing in online searches and algorithm-based feeds. Gen Zs, including other generations, consume social media to stay entertained, so brands should make it a point to improve the overall user experience.

Creating engaging online content is part of the growing digital trend focused on personalization. This marketing strategy allows consumers to express their opinions and create a more meaningful connection with their favorite brands. This also helps in the data collection of analyzing user preferences and site or product improvements.

Appealing to Gen Z is going to take a lot of hard work. But knowing about their preferences and needs will help you understand the new generation of consumers. Authenticity and personalized interactions are valuable to Gen Z, so rechannel your efforts on connecting with them in a more relatable way. When you execute your strategies correctly, these youngsters can generate major revenues.

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